Breastfeeding during R-CHOP chemotherapy: please abstain!

The results of our study have been published in the “European Journal of Cancer” (2019 Aug 19;119:107-111), official journal Of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC).

An article on this study has been published on Janus, a popular science magazine, edited by Amsterdam UMC. “Niemand wist echt of de chemo in moedemelk terechtkomt”. Interview with Dr. Elisa Giovannetti:

Breastfeeding offers many advantages for mothers and children, but women diagnosed with cancer are usually advised to interrupt lactation during anticancer treatment for fear of adverse effects to the infant. However, more pharmacological data are needed to provide optimal clinical management and counselling.
Our study has been possible thanks to the strength and determination of Natalie, a young woman diagnosed with lymphoma while breastfeeding. During three cycles of chemotherapy she pumped milk and shipped 290 samples to our laboratory, where our
analyses detected doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide 21 days after first-administration. This work she made possible is now available to physicians and, more importantly, to women that may face such a troublesome situation.

Of note in the email after the publication of our article, Natalie wrote as follows: “What a pleasure it has been to work on this project with you. I will be forever grateful that you were responsive to my original email. This has worked out better than I ever imagined!
Looking back on the past 5 years since my diagnosis and treatment, there have been many changes. My daughter is now 5 and starting school in two weeks. My son is 2 and keeping us all busy. I saw my oncologist last week and he confirmed there are no signs of a recurrence and that he considers me “cured” […] Please share this research however you see fit.”

