Association of AKT1 and SELP Polymorphisms with Cachexia and Survival of Patients with Pancreatic Cancer

Association of AKT1 and SELP Polymorphisms with Cachexia and Survival of Patients with Pancreatic Cancer

Paola Pace, Abolfazl Avan, Andrea Mambrini, Niccola Funel, Tessa Y. Le Large, Maurizio Cantore, Ugo Boggi, Elisa Giovannetti

Carrara Civic Hospital; VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Cancer Pharmacology Lab, AIRC/Start Up Unit, Pisa; Mantova Civic Hospital; University of Pisa and Istituto Toscano Tumori

Congresso Nazionale AISP 2015
October 22, 2015 – Milano (Italy)

Pdf: AISP 2015 – Cachexia



I Giorni della Ricerca 2015: incontro all’Università di Pisa

I Giorni della Ricerca 2015: incontro all’Università di Pisa

L’iniziativa I Giorni della Ricerca® per il diciottesimo anno consecutivo rappresenta un momento di fondamentale importanza per informare e sensibilizzare il nostro Paese sui principali progressi compiuti nella lotta contro il cancro.

Un appuntamento decisivo per condividere il nostro impegno nel sostenere i migliori ricercatori di tutta Italia che con il loro lavoro stanno compiendo passi avanti verso una migliore curabilità del cancro. I risultati delle loro ricerche permettono una conoscenza sempre più approfondita della malattia e della sua complessità aprendo la porta a nuove opportunità di cura.
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16th World Conference on Lung Cancer

16th World Conference on Lung Cancer

September 6-9, 2015 – Denver, Colorado, USA

MicroRNA Profiling of a Familial Primary Pulmonary Enteric Adenocarcinoma

Ingrid Garajová, Niccola Funel, Michelangelo Fiorentino, Valentina Agostini, Manuela Ferracin, Massimo Negrini, Giovanni Luca Frassineti, Christian Rolf, Guido Biasco, Elisa Giovannetti


Pdf: Garajová at 16th World Conference on Lung Cancer

La Dott.ssa Giovannetti Ricercatore del Mese per l’Associazione Nadia Valsecchi

La Dott.ssa Giovannetti Ricercatore del Mese per l’Associazione Nadia Valsecchi

L’associazione dedicata alla memoria di Nadia Valsecchi ( è una associazione senza scopo di lucro con l’obiettivo di sostenere la ricerca scientifica per la cura e la prevenzione del cancro del pancreas. Gli obiettivi dell’associazione includono:

  1. Finanziare la ricerca scientifica sul cancro del pancreas con particolare sostegno a gruppi meritevoli e giovani ricercatori
  2. Aiutare enti ospedalieri nell’assistenza dei malati di cancro al pancreas
  3. Informare pazienti e familiari sulle malattie del pancreas e sugli sviluppi delle ricerche scientifiche

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10th Annual Scientific conference of Istituto Toscano Tumori (ITT)

10th Annual Scientific conference of Istituto Toscano Tumori (ITT)

July 1-3, 2015 – Pisa (Italy)

Molecular basis of progression in pancreatic cancer

Niccola Funel


Pdf: Funel at 10th Annual Scientific conference of ITT

47th Meeting of European Pancreatic Club

47th Meeting of European Pancreatic Club

The Cancer Pharmacology Lab was under the spotlight at the Annual Meeting of the European Pancreatic Club, in Toledo, Spain, 24-26 June 2015

The abstract “Galectin-4 (Gal-4) expression is associated with reduced lymph node metastasis, and the modulation of its downstream pathway Wnt/beta-catenin inhibits invasive behavior of pancreatic cancer (PDAC) cells” was selected as an oral presentation, and presented by Dr. Niccola Funel in the session “Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma”
During the Gala Dinner, the EPC acknowledged the work of Dr. Giovannetti as an elected Abstract Selection Committee member in the period 2012-2015, giving her the EPC medallion.

Hypoexpression of Galectin-4 inhibits invasive behavior of Primary Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Cells and is associated with modulation of Wnt/β-catenin Signalling and reduced Lymph Node Metastasis

Niccola Funel
Maftouh M, Belo AI, Avan A, Funel N, Peters GJ, van Die I, Giovannetti E.

Department of Translational Research and The New Technologies in Medicine and Surgery
AIRC-Start-Up, Pisa, Italy


Pdf: Funel at 47th Meeting of European Pancreatic Club


Dr. Giovannetti invited  to give a talk at the AMC Oncology Seminar (OASIS) organized by Prof. J.P. Medema

Dr. Giovannetti invited to give a talk at the AMC Oncology Seminar (OASIS) organized by Prof. J.P. Medema

On the 23rd of June, Dr. Elisa Giovannetti has been invited to give a seminar on “Genetic studies and novel preclinical models to improve therapeutic strategies in pancreatic cancer“.

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16th International Symposium on Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism in Man

16th International Symposium on Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism in Man

June 6-9, 2015 – Columbia University, New York City

Inhibitors of lactate dehydrogenase overcome the resistance towards gemcitabine in hypoxic mesothelioma cells, and modulate the expression of the human equilibrative transporter-1 (hENT1)

Elisa Giovannetti, Leticia G. Leon, Paolo A. Zucali, Filippo Minutolo, Godefridus J Peters

This work was partially supported by grants from “The Law Offices of Peter G. Angelos Grant” from the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation (E.G, L.G.L, F.M., G.J.P), EORTC-PAMM (G.J.P, E.G., F.M.), Clinical Research and Innovationscouting” from the University of Pisa (E.G., F.M.), Fondazione Humanitas (E.G, P.A.Z), AIRC/Start-Up (E.G.), European Union Seventh Framework Program [FP7/2007-2013] under grant agreement n° PIIF-GA-2011-299026 (F.M.), and FP7-REGPOT-2012-CT2012-31637-IMBRAIN (L.G.L., E.G., G.J.P.)


Pdf: Inhibitors at 16th International Symposium PPS

AIRC Start-Up Meeting 2015

AIRC Start-Up Meeting 2015

June 5, 2015 – Verona (Italy)

Bioluminescent pancreatic cancer mouse models from genetically characterized primary cells: a platform for drug discovery

Elisa Giovannetti, MD, PhD
Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Pisana

Pdf: Giovannetti at AIRC Start-Up Meeting 2015

Usefulness of measuring microRNAs in bile and plasma for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) diagnosis

Le Large TYS, Frampton AE, Meijer L, Stebbing J, Kazemier G, Giovannetti E.

Am J Gastroenterol. 2015 May;110(5):768-9. doi: 10.1038/ajg.2015.77

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microRNAs with prognostic significance in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: a meta-analysis

Frampton AE, Krell J, Jamieson NB, Gall TMH, GIOVANNETTI E. Funel N, Mato Prado M, Krell D, Habib NA, Castellano L, Jiao LR, Stebbing J.

Eur J Cancer. 2015 Jul;51(11):1389-404. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2015.04.006

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Anche quest’anno in piazza per l’Azalea della Ricerca

Anche quest’anno in piazza per l’Azalea della Ricerca

L'”Azalea della Ricerca” celebra con successo i 50 anni dell’AIRC con volontari e ricercatori in piazza a Pisa.

Domenica 10 maggio, in occasione dell’iniziativa “Azalea della Ricerca”, i volontari dell’associazione “I Cavalieri” sono scesi in piazza per distribuire le azalee a sostegno dell’Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (AIRC).
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NF-κB drives acquired resistance to a novel mutant-selective EGFR inhibitor

Galvani E, Sun J, Leon LG, Sciarrillo R, Narayan RS, Sjin RTT, Lee K, Ohashi K, Heideman DAM, Alfieri RR, Heynen GJ, Bernards R, Smit EF, Pao W, Peters GJ, Giovannetti E.

Oncotarget 2015 Apr 29. [Epub ahead of print]

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MicroRNAs in Cancer Management: Big Challenges for Small Molecules

Gandellini P, Giovannetti E, Nicassio F.

Biomed Res Int. 2015;2015:982156. doi: 10.1155/2015/982156. Epub 2015 Mar 24.

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In Viaggio con la Ricerca: “dai canali alla torre”

In Viaggio con la Ricerca: “dai canali alla torre”

Il sito web dell’AIRC dedica una pagina all’intervista della Dott.ssa Giovannetti nell’ambito dell’iniziativa “In Viaggio con la Ricerca”, che è il programma di donazione continuativa di AIRC per far rientrare i ricercatori in Italia e sviluppare le cure più innovative contro il cancro.

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Dr. Funel presents the studies of the Cancer Pharmacology Lab at the EORTC-PAMM meeting 2015

Dr. Funel presents the studies of the Cancer Pharmacology Lab at the EORTC-PAMM meeting 2015

The abstract “CYB5A emerges as a prognostic factor from –omics studies in pancreatic cancer, and preclinical studies in novel patient-derived experimental models unravel its role in the modulation of autophagy and oncogenic phenotypes” was presented by Dr. Niccola Funel at the 36th PAMM-EORTC Winter Meeting, Marseille, France, January 2015.

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MiRNAs and Their Interference with the Main Molecular Mechanisms Responsible for Drug Resistance in Pancreatic Cancer

Garajová I, Giovannetti E, Caponi S, van Zweeden A, Peters GJ.

Curr Pharmacol Rep (2015) 1:223–233

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Synergistic activity of the c-Met and tubulin inhibitor tivantinib (ARQ197) with pemetrexed in mesothelioma cells

Leon LG, Gemelli M, Sciarrillo R, Avan A, Funel N, Giovannetti E

Curr Drug Targets. 2014;15(14):1331-40

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New strategies and applications for Drugs Targeting EGFR and C-Met

Giovannetti E, Leon LG.

Curr Drug Targets. 2014;15(14):1261-2

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Copertina ed articolo dedicati alla nostra Start-Up su “Fondamentale” di Dicembre 2014

Copertina ed articolo dedicati alla nostra Start-Up su “Fondamentale” di Dicembre 2014

Il periodico “Fondamentale” ha dedicato la copertina ed un ampio spazio con un articolo nella sezione “VITA DI RICERCATORE” alla Dr.ssa Giovannetti ed alle ricerche del Cancer Pharmacology Lab.

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